Category: Drawing

Drawings on Yellow Paper

September 20, 2008

As I unpack from my recent move, I’ve rediscovered certain art materials. I found some excellent biege/yellow printmaking paper this week, and made some ballpoint pen drawings upon cut-up sections of said paper:

An Emotional Fellow

September 14, 2008

It’s hard to maintain composure from time to time, as this emotional fellow knows all too well.

An Old Gradeschool or Junior High Drawing

May 30, 2008

Apparently I was quite into shoe design in my early days. I blame Nike and Reebok and an 80’s shoe-centric culture.

This shoe is so deliciously excessive, it’s almost guaranteed to provide extreme performance benefits:

Skull Tree For Matt

March 15, 2008

Matt, I know this is not quite what you asked for, but here it is! You will love it.
