Photocopy Transfers April 2016
April 2, 2016[ngg_images gallery_ids=”12″ display_type=”photocrati-nextgen_basic_imagebrowser” gallery_width=”600″ gallery_height=”400″]
[ngg_images gallery_ids=”12″ display_type=”photocrati-nextgen_basic_imagebrowser” gallery_width=”600″ gallery_height=”400″]
I put up twenty small paintings at the Colorado Conservatory of Dance with my good friends and patrons, Heather and Jake Sutton.
These are for sale and the prices range from $40-80. The goal for this year was to try out smaller, cheaper, less skully paintings, and this will be a good chance to test ’em out in a kid-friendly setting yep yep!
Special thanks to @tcabeen for providing some of the titles.
Check out the fancy label
Alright, so I ended up showing five paintings at the Downtown Artery in Fort Collins, Colorado. The Artery really did a good job with the labels.
Hey, these are all still totally for sale. I am very money-crazy.
The gallery wall
That’s a nice label
The following three paintings will be available for purchase for $630 each next First Friday September 6 at Downtown Artery in Fort Collins, Calarada.
252 Linden Street Fort Collins, CO 80524.
A Smart Hat
30″x40″x1.5″, Acrylic on stretched canvas
Party Over Here
30″x40″x1.5″, Acrylic on stretched canvas
Smooth Criminal
30″x40″x1.5″, Acrylic on stretched canvas
Hey, this triptych printed on three 12″x16″ stretched canvases is available for $200, y’all.
These will be prints on canvas. The sides of the canvas will be black.
These paintings are about dance moves, and they were done quickly in late 2008.
Contact info is michael at if you’re interested.
Here is a photo of the actual prints. Dangit, the black color on the bottom of the originals screwed up the bottom.