Category: Usability

New York DOT Unveils Sidewalk Compass Markings

October 20, 2007

These sidewalk compass markings are an excellent idea. No matter how much I think I know where I’m going when in New York, walking out of a subway station and back up to land level has always been very disorienting for me. Especially after the twin towers disappeared.

I don’t know how much time I’ve wasted by walking the wrong way trying to find a street sign in an unfamiliar Manhattan area. I’m definitely looking forward to this street feature for the next time I’m in NY.

Stapler Usability Concerns

July 26, 2006

An extreme case of mis- or non-applied usability practices:
A staple gun fired from the wrong end!

I don’t work in physical product manufacturing or packaging, but I’m thinking the manufacturer could have prevented this. The user didn’t read the instructions (seems quite common), but the design of the staple gun could have reinforced the correct usage through shape, colors, or warning labels.
