Des Moines For Nader top image
Biographies of Ralph Nader and Winona LaDuke. Issues stressed in Nader's presidential platform. Events in Iowa during the Nader for president campaign. Iowa contacts for Ralph Nader for President. top right image
10 Ways in Which Ralph Nader Has Already Won

He has:

1. Energized and politicized millions of new young first time voters.

2. Energized and politicized millions of older non-voters who haven't voted for years because they couldn't support the republicrats.

3. Forced the Democratic party to address progressive issues for the first time in 30 years.

4. Caused progressive ideas to be addressed in the general public debate as something desirable for the first time in 20 years.

5. Politicized and brought to the attention of the general public the outrageously unfair and arbitrary framework of the debates, setting the stage for their ultimate demise.

6. Proved it was possible to maintain and even build a campaign in the face of an absolute mainstream media blackout.

7. Packed houses at major arenas throughout the country despite an absolute mainstream media blackout.

8. Won the debates inspite of being denied access to them by tapping into public outrage at his exclusion from them despite an absolute mainstream media blackout.

9. Withstood the shrill and shameful attacks of "frightened liberal" commentators and spokespeople condemning Nader supporters as criminal for "giving the election to Bush" and Nader himself as in fact not being a progressive at all; holding Nader to an absolute standard; requiring of Gore only that he be not as terrible as Bush—in so doing uniting himself with the people against the pundits and party hacks willing to settle for a rhetorical issue bone tossed from Gore and "access" to the "Democratic" Party. (isn't there something morally suspect about the name of that political party?)

10. Inspired hope in millions who before had no hope and no voice. Inspite of condemnation, attack, exclusion, willful ignoring and even distorting of the mass grassroots Nader support by virtually the entire media; with little money and in many places no money and no organization, continuing to build support and draw ordinary people to a campaign based on the politics of joy and justice.