Drawings Started While Flying – NYC to DEN
April 22, 2013Just did these in the ol’ sketchbook last night and will most likely elaborate on at least three of them.
Just did these in the ol’ sketchbook last night and will most likely elaborate on at least three of them.
Just grabbed this one from @jakesutton tonight via https://twitter.com/jakesutton/status/289933129215537152/photo/1
This is a drawing from 2008.
Collection of Jake and Heather Sutton.
[nggallery id=3]
Yes, The Justin Brancato style.
Here is where I test an image upload.
Some images of recent studio activity for anyone who’s interested.
These are more abstract, mm-hmm.
As I unpack from my recent move, I’ve rediscovered certain art materials. I found some excellent biege/yellow printmaking paper this week, and made some ballpoint pen drawings upon cut-up sections of said paper:
It’s hard to maintain composure from time to time, as this emotional fellow knows all too well.