Completed Sunset Mailbox
December 24, 2022On-Site Photos
This is an acrylic/ink situation atop a gessoed piece of printmaking paper completed sometime between 1998-2001.
I stand by the “old” repetition.
A certain Justin Brancato character suggested:
For your next show you should install the paintings as if the sides were the FACE of the canvas. You have my blessing.
So I built this city of paintings in progress for the benefit of one Justin Brancato.
These portraits of weird-looking white males are for Kevin Kooyman’s Panel Project in Iowa.
I’ve got a show up at Ozo Coffee’s Arapahoe Location ( til the end of April.
Ooh, a quick flyer:
I started painting a skull amongst all the ongoing abstract madness.
This one involves COLLAGE. Collage pieces are from a House Industries mailer, I believe.
And now here’s the whole gang so far:
Here are some more encaustic paintings and iterations. Four on wood arranged annoyingly and one on plexiglass.
I’m still working on all these. This is a weird medium and I need more practice with the flame-thrower.