Year: 2003
September 27, 2003
Whut—I’ve just transferred the Bad Balance site to php, and it really wasn’t that difficult. As I was only using asp to do sequential image pages and includes. After 5 days, I’ve finally had enough time to fix it. And this is great and also wonderful.
September 25, 2003
I’m in the middle of a bungled-up transition from a Windows host to an Apache host. I thought using Chilisoft ASP would be fine, but nobody can tell me how to correctly path my virtual includes, and every asp page has an ugly URL that comes with it.
I’d call this a learning experience.
Now I have to recode 3 sites into php. The asp and php is not doing anything too fancy. I’m just using them for includes and if-else statements, etc. But still. And dang.
January 14, 2003
I have found it quicker/easier/more challenging to draw with straight ink lately. Without the pencil. Here’s the latest example of this technique:

STRAIGHT INK: Spontaneity is the key for now.
January 12, 2003
And then there’s Mr. Bearded Six-Eyes:

January 12, 2003
Quote on a friend’s email signature:
"We’re on this Earth to fart around, and don’t you let anyone tell you different."
—Kurt Vonnegut, jr.
Wise, wise words.
January 11, 2003
I’m thinking about moving to San Francisco. I figure it will be a good New York substitute without it being New York. I want to go back to a big city with a good public transportation system. Also, I’ve wanted to live in a place with palm trees for a long time, and I’d like to live in a similar area as all-time artists Richard Diebenkorn and Wayne Thiebaud. I think they both lived somewhere in California, if not actually San Francisco. Also, I’m interested in suddenly accidentally becoming gay.
I have a plan, but no plan B or plan C. Once step 1 in plan A is complete and I have a plan B and C, I may actually be on my way to San Francisco!
Plan A
- Save $3,000
secure a $30,000/yr web design job in the Bay Area
- Rent a truck and drive myself and my computer to San Francisco
- Put computer and stuff in storage
- Get a room at the YMCA
- Find shared housing
- Find crap job if I don’t have web job
- Try to scrape up enough rent money to stay (repeat monthly)
And I’ll see how far that plan goes. Plan B and C should cover some of the worst case scenarios, like running out of money too damn soon or not being able to find any housing or work anywhere.
January 5, 2003
I was just reading some journal entries from people on the livejournal, and it inspired me to write another entry. Usually, I think of good things to write whenever my computer is off. Then I forget about them.
So here’s today’s entry of importance:
I’m trying to get some of my paintings back from a local tax business/art gallery here in Iowa City, and I have found that is difficult to do when operating on this damned night-work sleeping schedule, which I will hopefully not be talking about much longer. I overslept about a half hour on my day off and missed the (kind of) appointment I had with the owner dude, so I will see him on a weekday, I imagine.
Furthermore, my good friend from the Kansas City Art Institute sent me a good CD of mp3s for Christmas, and I would be listening to those. Iron Maiden, Kraftwerk, David Bowie, Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds, and Grob are always good for a quality listen.
The other day I was having trouble falling asleep, so I thought of all the shitty short-term manual labor jobs I’ve had in the past and present. It was a good technique to get me tired, and I do recommend it.
January 3, 2003
I see it has been a while since I’d have writtened in here. And I guess now the while is over for a while.
Since the holiday season has just gone by, I suppose I could mention Christmas- and New Year’s-related topics. The clever would write "holidaze" and that is alright with me. I will write a list in a businesslike manner:
- 7 days in Topeka, KS
- Completely flipped my sleeping schedule to be awake during the day
- "Lucky," the family cat, put to sleep
- Some grieving
- Many card games
- Met my mom’s boyfriend
- Got some good Boogie Down Productions CDs
- Turned 25 years old
- Got the digital camera I’d been saving for
- Sat around
- Nightly walks with the dog
New Year’s:
- Midnight, New Year’s Eve passed without incident
- Because I was stocking ice cream toppings at the grocery store
- Wrote ‘2003’ for first time on my rent check
- Long lost friends visit unexpectedly on New Year’s
- We go to a nearly empty bar
- Drink a beer
- Go to work
And that was my holiday season, boring or not. The 7 days off work did much good, though.