Category: Art

Mixed Too Much Yellow

February 11, 2012

Last weekend I mixed way way way too much yellow, so I’m using it tonight before busting out the reds and blues and so forth.

Panel Project

February 5, 2012

Three panels in progress for Kevin Kooyman’s Panel Project in Iowa.

Heart Art 2012 Painting

February 5, 2012

Built this one up on top of an old painting that recently fell out of my favor. I’ve put three layers onto it so far, and I believe it is due tomorrow (Monday), so it should be done tonight.

  1. Step 1

  2. Step 2

    (Let’s not talk about Step 2)

  3. Step 3

  4. Step 4

Acrylic on stretched canvas, .75 inches deep. 11 inches wide and 12 inches tall. Ready to hang.

This painting will be available via silent auction at Heart Art Denver this Thursday.

Update: Got word from a coworker that the painting was auctioned for $75. And that’s cool.

Stephen Gammell Art

February 1, 2012

Holy crap, I think I just finally discovered that artwork that really freaked me out back in grade school. By Stephen Gammell:

Recently, I’ve been content to just think that artwork was from Michael Whelan, on account of this piece:


Which was, of course, the cover art for a classic Obituary album:


Circley Paintings

January 8, 2012

Just throwin’ some circles into the backgrounds of some paintings.

All These Locations

June 18, 2011

As I may or may not have mentioned before, it looks like I post more paintings in progress to than in the here. And that’s cool.


May 31, 2011

Shit like this is why I’m always late to the day jorbz. That’s a Roy-to-the-Gee-to-the-Biv.

Painting in Progress, April 2011 Edition

April 24, 2011

I’ve been uploading photos of in-progress paintings to lately, so the blog has been slacking a bit. But anyway, here’s a painting in progress this month:

Heart Art 2011 Painting

January 15, 2011

Bustin’ out the paint this weekend after a lengthy hiatus. Here’s another post about a painting in progress. This time it’s for the AIGA Heart Art Auction 2011.

  1. Part 1: The Underpainting

  2. Part 2: The Expensive Reddening

  3. Part 3: The Always Weird Iteration 3

  4. Part 4: The Wreckening

  5. Part 5: Goddamn Background Color

  6. Part 6: Some Outlining

  7. Part 7: Goddamnit The Paint Was Too Damn Watery

  8. Part 8: Ooh, Here’s Where I Try to Inject an Olde-Style Banner into the Situation

  9. Part 9: Added Some Higher-Contrast Color for Maximum Excellence

  10. Part 10: NOW We’re Talkin’, Etc.


  12. Part 12: Whoops

    Good God. I de-oranged the orange.

  13. Part 13: Additional Layer of Nonsense

  14. Part 14: Getting Closer

  15. Part 15: Trying Not To Ruin It, Part 1

  16. Part 16: Fixed the Background—Trying Not To Ruin It, Part 2
